Thursday, April 14

I...wait for it...Like It! :)

Ermp...macam mana ea perasaan kita..bila..selama ni..kita rase kita "not worth" for someone...then suddenly...dia dah berubah?
I knew...maybe this is because "rebound" and..maybe just want to show prove to the previous...that we can move on...we still can survive...

i hope that's not truth...because...i prayed hard...if someone doesn't meant for me...please..keep it away from my heart....and i believe Allah heard my Doa...Amin..
But, still there...someone was still there...and trust me...i am so INTO it...
i dont know what it is...
but...i LOVE everything we had together ...until now...
and for this time...i hope it doesn't ruin anymore....not for the this time...
let's it sail smooth...
You..Me & the dreams i hope on!

P/s: Just go with it...I'm AWE....SOME!!! :)

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